We Are The Flowers of One Garden
And a Garden Nourishes The Soul
By Hawk Elder –Edna Gordon
March 2011
Peace Within Is Happiness
To reap the harvest of your own happiness
Reflects an inner light to touch the spirit of mankind
Inner emotions of the soul
It takes patience, attention and time to create beauty, character
And a sense of direction for the inner garden of the soul
Listen to Nature
Nature is within ourselves to make the right choices
To listen within is the greatest road map
To direct the energetic forces of the body, the mind and the soul
Prayer is sharing inner feelings to strengthen communication, to nourish and to walk in harmony with all creation
Prayer, gives an inner value and inner knowing
An expression of devotion
Rambling Haven of Peace
Listen to natures sheltering timber
And observe how a rustic landscape of a countryside displays a sanctuary of reflections
To preserve a secluded haven of peace
Lights the spirit within
Nature is a place to recapture the infinite spirit of the soul
A place where no one abandons dreams, but when inner thoughts unfold , the creator is within nature
Creation stirs within for inspiration
Peaceful thoughts
You will reach the highest mountain of your inner self
If, you keep your fountain of peaceful thoughts
Flowing like ripples of a stream
Glowing embers of the soul
Facing the obstacles of life or praising the wonders of creation
Inspiration lights the spirit within
Within the Within
Within the Silence of the Soul, there is Peace and Meditation for Eternal Compassion
Elder insight and wisdom about Fire, Water , Silence (focus themes) "Two Minutes of Silence"
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
What Is God Siva's Pure Consciousness?
What Is God Siva's Pure Consciousness?
From Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami's trilogy
Parashakti is pure consciousness, the substratum or primal substance flowing through all form. It is Siva's inscrutable presence, the ultimate ground and being of all that exists, without which nothing could endure. Aum.
Parashakti, "Supreme Energy," is called by many names: silence, love, being, power and all-knowingness. It is Satchidananda--existence- consciousness-bliss--that pristine force of being which is undifferentiated, totally aware of itself, without an object of its awareness. It radiates as divine light, energy and knowing. Out of Parasiva ever comes Parashakti, the first manifestation of mind, superconsciousness or infinite knowing. God Siva knows in infinite, all-abiding, loving superconsciousness. Siva knows from deep within all of His creations to their surface. His Being is within every animate and inanimate form. Should God Siva remove His all-pervasive Parashakti from any one or all of the three worlds, they would crumble, disintegrate and fade away. Siva's Shakti is the sustaining power and presence throughout the universe. This unbounded force has neither beginning nor end. Verily, it is the Divine Mind of Lord Siva. The Vedas say, "He is God, hidden in all beings, their inmost soul who is in all. He watches the works of creation, lives in all things, watches all things. He is pure consciousness, beyond the three conditions of nature." Aum Namah Sivaya.
Edna smiles that radiant smile of hers. With her bare toetip she lightly taps a tiny bloom in the grass at her foot.
"Is a flower essential to the Universe?" she asks, "Some folks'll tell you, 'Oh, no It's just a flower! It lives and dies in a day or two. What does Creation need that silly little flower for?' "
"Well, I tell you, that little tiny flower…you see it there by my toe…that little white one, no bigger than an earring… That flower is essential—that's right, I'm telling you, essential—to the whole wide Universe, same as you and me and everybody else. We're ALL essential, each and every one of us!
"Why, without that tiny little flower there it'd be a different Universe, a different Creation, not this one we have. D'you understand? So THAT's a mighty power, don't you think? One little flower can change the entire World! Just like one person can!"
by Grandma Edna Gordon - Seneca Elder
Take my hand, this weathered branch,
and walk with me along Life's Pathway
in this, my land, my sacred land.
I'll not lead… nor you.
Creator shows the Way.
Side-by-side we'll walk, just we two.
Yes, you and me. You'll see. You'll see.
With visionary eyes you'll see.
So don't be shy, dear friend.
Take my hand and let us make our visit.
Even now the spirits come, Creator-sent.
As we, too, are Creator-sent,
if we but knew.
Look there! A Hawk!
She flies before our eyes,
a red-tailed miracle.
She flies within us, too, you know.
Use your inner eyes
to see how she flies.
by Grandma Edna Gordon
Seneca Elder
I am spellbound when my eyes
capture the height of a mountain.
I wonder, would my dreams reach so high?
If I could challenge the towering mountain
and look down into the valley below,
would I be satisfied with the green pastures?
When I follow a cool, winding brook,
I often ask, “Just where does it end?”
And I wonder, “How far in life could I go?”
I sit and listen to the lapping of the sea.
now peaceful, now angry,
like my heart within.
The universal soul is hurt
When one form of life, being more intelligent and evolved, starts destroying or hurting other forms of life, negativity increases and the universal consciousness gets adversely affected. This results in catastrophic natural disasters.
Throughout the history of mankind, savants, sages and prophets have conveyed us one important truth: It’s the God who created this universe and exists even in the tiniest fraction of it. He is the ultimate father and keeps an eye on our good or bad actions. He dwells in all forms of life to support and sustain them. Like a mature father, He ignores the minor squabbles between His kids, but decides to punish them when someone becomes unruly.
In ancient times when nature’s wrath was apparently visible, the rulers would question their own and their countrymen’s immoral conduct, which they believed was one of the main causes of natural calamities. Today, when human greed has surpassed all its previous limits and is making us take more than what’s needed, thus indulging in heedless destruction of other species, the nature’s fury gets reflected in disasters of catastrophic proportions, as has recently been seen in Japan.
We came to this world from the same source of energy which gave birth to all the insects, birds, animals and other forms of life. Someone up there wishfully expected that we would never forget this common parentage and love all forms of life. But we became selfish. Instead of expressing gratitude for all the possible help we received for survival, we started abusing other forms of life. Instead of love, we began treating them with cruelty. Instead of showing respect, we enslaved them.
Our sister souls had no choice but to mutely live in agony. In the process, the universal soul got badly hurt and retaliated angrily through earthquakes, typhoons and volcanoes.
Unfortunately, most of us don’t wish to see beyond petty gains. Our concerns never rise above the safety and welfare of our close family members. For us, co-existence and universal brotherhood are superficial words. No wonder, we conveniently ignore hungry stray animals, thirsty birds, barely-clad fellow citizens shivering along the roadside in freezing winter nights.
We know that every action has a reaction, but we seldom trust this imminent law. We reap what we sow. Most of us brutally hurt the nature for immediate personal gains, throwing caution to the wind. This attitude will definitely make us suffer, come what may.
Thousands of years ago, a wise Vedic rishi showed us the harmonious path of peaceful co-existence in Chapter 36 of Shukla Yajurveda Samhita: “May there be tranquility and peace on the horizon of our universe, in the space around us, on this planet Earth where we live, in all the sources of the healing and nourishing water which sustains us. May all the herbs, flora and fauna, the vegetation, plants and trees co-exist in peaceful harmony. May all the creations and their creators have a peaceful purpose. May all the elements of nature help us sustain in a total peaceful harmony.”
May the universal soul rest in harmony.
Dr. Dinesh Sharma
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