June 19 second day WPPD 2011 -Spirit at water ceremony held at Cold Water Springs was moving to say the least. Gracie daughter of Arvol spoke of how the river that where Arvol lives was polluted with mercury and now after Gracie had shared in puja offerings of corn meal and prayers with another woman the water was healed. Her story and compassion in which it was delivered moved the people to tears. The scared horse ride held late at St Peters grounds in Mendota was awe inspiring and the Mother Earth as a circle from the horses that if full of healing spirit.
World Peace Prayer Day II
A small group gathered at an ancient spring, to perform Water purification ceremony. The site was the place where according to creation story the first couple of man and women came into being..,it was a schock to see how such sacred springs of many indigenous nations was surrounded by delapidated industrial buildings and full of slimy dirty water. These buildings are to be torn down . Stories were told, sacred songs chanted and holy water poured into the spring to purify the water of life, again for the first time since 150 years! It was a powerful ceremony....Later at a different venue another sacred ceremony was held. A huge circle was formed arround a teepee and young people, who had run a long distance to the site as a form of tapasya and purification were blessed and welcome back into "society." Then an amazing ceremony with horses followed, the dance of the horses is an ancient healing ceremony.. accompanied by chanting and drumming on the ancient big drum of Tail Feather woman. So much shared ceremony, with universal sacred guestures, ritual and words. Chief Arvol Looking Horse for example said: 'the Spirit is in everyone ; making all people sacred, all moments, all days, all beings sacred!" We say: Everything is Shiva..everythhing is Spirit! Amazing! Another quote is: spiritual life is love which turns to service because we remember who you are. It echoes Swami Rama's motto: Love Serve and Remember! All nations, one faith, one prayer!
By: Swami Nityamuktananda Saraswati
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