By Seneca Hawk Elder, Edna Gordon
Life is like a Garden to nourish, to blossom and to reap the fruits of life
Listen to the inner voice, the eternal mystery within for self awareness and self esteem
Peace, the illumination within for inner security is a basic need to grow and to nourish within
Values and reality of the inner self creates spiritual visions to live in peace
Truth is the wholeness within for compassion and inspiration
Rebellion of inner conflicts is a time to listen "Within the Within" for the spirit within nourishes our thoughts to make our own judgements
Our attitude revives the power of thought and intuition creates a sense of knowing
Listen, how nature's mystical mood creates inward and outward expressions to face the storms of life
It takes endurance to battle strong desires beyond control
The roots of peace is based on justice to respect the equality of life
If we cherish peace within, mankind, will harvest good thoughts for universal awareness
When darkness clouds the soul, it is time to seek spiritual light within
Peace, the fulfillment of life is to abide by one life, one law and one love
Nature speaks one language, to open the garden gate within to restore peace to the soul
We are blessed with an inner sparkle to praise the beauty and simplicity of life
The sun rises and sets to face a brighter tomorrow, if, we cultivate the seeds, "Within the Within"
The chapel door within is the divine center where peace is peace now and forever
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