
WPPD 2011

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Thanks to Cree Dreams-of Bear...

To the Navajo and the Hopi, the Swirling or Whirling Rainbow Woman is the bringer of friendly rains that nurture the Three Sisters -- Corn, Squash and Beans -- during the summer so that people will be fed. Many times an image of the Whirling Rainbow is created in Sand Painting, an ancient Sacred Healing Art performed by the Medicine Clans of those Nations.

The Whirling Rainbow Woman comes from all Four Directions and curves like a swastika covering all directions. The outside of the Sacred Circle is protected by another Whirling Rainbow Woman bending her body in the space below creating a cup-shape to catch the rain and protect the circle. Without the Rain, the Three Sisters will die and the People will not be fed.

The Whirling Rainbow is the promise of peace among all Nations and all people. The Rainbow Race stresses equality and opposes the idea of a superior race that would control or conquer other races. The Rainbow Race brings peace through the understanding that all races are one. The unity of all colors, all creeds working together for the good of the whole, is the idea that is embodied in the Whirling Rainbow. When all pathways to wholeness are respected by all cultures, the prophecy of the Whirling Rainbow will be completed. 

When I lived in Mexico and worked with the Grandmothers, the Dreamtime Buffalo Society, or Sisterhood, had many prophecies derived from Seers and Dreamers that had come down through the ages. The prophecy of the Whirling Rainbow was very specific. When the Time of the White Buffalo approaches, the third generation of the White Eyes' children will grow their hair and speak of love as the healer of the Children of the Earth. 

These children will seek new ways of understanding themselves and others. They will wear feathers and beads and paint their faces. They will seek the Elders of the Red Race and drink of their wisdom. These white-eyed children will be a sign that the Ancestors are returning in white bodies, but they are Red on the inside. They will learn to walk the Earth Mother in balance again and reform the idea of the white chiefs. These children will be tested as they were when they were Red ancestors by unnatural substances like firewater to see if they can remain on the Sacred Path. 

The generation of Flower Children have moved through this part of the prophecy and some have remained on the Sacred Path. Others were lost for a while and are now returning to the natural way of being. Some were disillusioned and have forgotten the high ideals that gave them life when their hearts were young, but others still are waking up and quickening into remembering.

Grandmother Cisi would look at me with her obsidian eyes piercing my soul when she spoke of the Whirling Rainbow prophecy, and I would feel my heart skip a beat and then fill with promise and love. She would tell me about the return of the Buffalo to Turtle Island and how the herds would once again be numerous. After the time when the Buffalo returned, the generation following the Flower Children would see the dawning of the Fifth World of Peace.

Grandmother Cisi called the beginning of this Fifth World the wobbly pony that on being born would try to use his legs. She said that the wobble would be felt by the the Earth Mother and the changes would occur in the soil and the waters. Inside the Children of the Earth, the wobble would create rolling emotions and feelings that would bring the quickening and the remembering. Colorful dreams would be brought into the Sleep time and Dreamtime dreams of these newborn Warriors of the Rainbow and they would begin to learn how to Walk in Balance. The changes in our Earth Mother would create fear in her children, which would later lead to the understanding and unity of Our Planet--One People. 

Grandmother Berta would giggle when we came to this part of the prophecy because my eyes would be round as saucers and I could not sit still. Grandmother Berta would urge Grandmother Cisi to stop for the day and leave me hanging on the edge of the cliff just to tease me. Cisi would finally begin again and slap my knee to make me pay attention to the rhythm of the prophecy because my mind would be spinning with probabilities and my own projections. I wanted to ask so many questions about how, when, where, and why. I wanted to know details, details . I was twenty-two and very impatient, but I kept silent so she would The Whirling Rainbow will appear in the form of a Sun Dog to those who are ready to see. The Sun Dog is a full Rainbow Circle around the sun that has bright white lights at the Four Directions. The Sun Dog is a rare natural phenomenon that was named by Native Americans. The name is now used by scientists all over the world. Many Sun Dogs will be seen around the time of the White Buffalo, which will be the Sky Language sign that the Secret and Sacred Teachings are to be shared with all races. Enough of the Children of Earth will be awakened to carry the responsibility of the teachings and the healing process will begin in full swing. 

Grandmother Berta would smile with a faraway look in her eyes, knowing that she would be on the Blue Road when the time of the White Buffalo came. Grandmother Cisi would also be in the Other Side Camp, but both promised they would be assisting me in bringing out the things they had taught me when the time was right.

Both Grandmothers spoke of the change in feelings the Children of the Earth would have during the wobble or healing process as the Whirling Rainbows permeated their dreams. They said, "Many will remember their purpose for being on this Earth Walk and will learn to develop their gifts to assist the whole of humanity. Truth will shatter the bonds of separation and goodness will prevail. Some details of Earth changes will come into the dreams of those who are being warned to move where they will be safe. Others will be told that their talents will be needed in areas where the changes occur. Everyone will have to trust their personal vision and follow their hearts in order to assist the whole. Each person will be able to use their gifts with joy and share equally in the bounty created by all those working together. The other teachings of the prophecy of the Whirling Rainbow will be released at a later time when more have awakened to the potential they carry.

In our Seneca Tradition, Grandmother Twylah has taught us many uses for the Whirling Rainbow of Peace. When we are having difficulty in any situation, we visualize the Rainbow of Peace encircling the situation, the people involved, and the disharmony. Then we twinkle our eyes with joy, sending our inner-peace to the situation. In using this technique and following it with ceremony, we place our intention inside the Whirling Rainbow of Peace. 

Our intention follows the Iroquois Peace Confederacy Tradition that uses the Twelve Cycles of Truth to bring peace. The Twelve Cycles of Truth are:

Learning Truth
Observing Truth
Loving Truth
Working Truth
Honoring Truth
Hearing Truth
Serving Truth
Walking Truth
Accepting Truth
Presenting Truth
Living Truth
Grateful for Truth

When we invite total truth into our Sacred Space, we shatter the bonds of separation and illusion that create discord. The Whirling Rainbow of Peace destroys the lies that made the Children of the Earth mistrust one another and replaces the illusion of separation with the truth of unity.

When the Whirling Rainbow Woman of the Navaho and Hopi brings the cleansing regenerative rains to the Earth Mother, her children are also cleansed and healed. When the Rainbow of Peace of the Seneca encircles each person's sacred space, all will walk in truth respecting the Sacred Space of others and harmony of living on Earth will be restored. These Knowing Systems are the teachings of the Warriors of the Rainbow who are Sisters and Brothers uniting the Fifth World and working for Peace. 

From Jamie Sams': Sacred Path Cards

Saturday, June 25, 2011

WPPD 2011 Day two

June 19 second day WPPD 2011 -Spirit at water ceremony held at Cold Water Springs was moving to say the least. Gracie daughter of Arvol spoke of how the river that where Arvol lives was polluted with mercury and now after Gracie had shared in puja offerings of corn meal and prayers with another woman the water was healed. Her story and compassion in which it was delivered moved the people to tears. The scared horse ride held late at St Peters grounds in Mendota was awe inspiring and the Mother Earth as a circle from the horses that if full of healing spirit.

World Peace Prayer Day II
A small group gathered at an ancient spring, to perform Water purification ceremony. The site was the place where according to creation story the first couple of man and women came into being..,it was a schock to see how such sacred springs of many indigenous nations was surrounded by delapidated industrial buildings and full of slimy dirty water. These buildings are to be torn down . Stories were told, sacred songs chanted and holy water poured into the spring to purify the water of life, again for the first time since 150 years! It was a powerful ceremony....Later at a different venue another sacred ceremony was held. A huge circle was formed arround a teepee and young people, who had run a long distance to the site as a form of tapasya and purification were blessed and welcome back into "society." Then an amazing ceremony with horses followed, the dance of the horses is an ancient healing ceremony.. accompanied by chanting and drumming on the ancient big drum of Tail Feather woman. So much shared ceremony, with universal sacred guestures, ritual and words. Chief Arvol Looking Horse for example said: 'the Spirit is in everyone ; making all people sacred, all moments, all days, all beings sacred!" We say: Everything is Shiva..everythhing is Spirit! Amazing! Another quote is: spiritual life is love which turns to service because we remember who you are. It echoes Swami Rama's motto: Love Serve and Remember! All nations, one faith, one prayer! 
By: Swami Nityamuktananda Saraswati





Wednesday, June 22, 2011

WPPD day four June 21,2011

WPPD 2011  Day four June 21,2011 
WPPD 2011; its sommer solstice! .A sacred day for most indigenous cultures. There was a huge circle 500 or more people arround the sacred fire, the children were blessed, gifts handed out and then the heavens openend. An enormous downpour blessed the field, people and tent...the sacred fire was cooled; soon the field was waterlogged and the water came into the tent area..water to the ankles..yet still we chantted and honoured the gathering. When ceremony was over there wasE so much water... the tent had to be abandoned..but bye that time.. everyone was ready to leav anyway. What a dramatic finish to an extraordinary experience. Peace; Peace; Peace!
By: Swami Nityamuktananda Saraswati

World Peace and Prayer 2011 day III

 The third day of gathering, brought an unimaginable shift. Unimaginable..because I would not have "thought" it possible. There were many speakers sharing their stories, sharing their suffering from within the First Nnation of America, but not only that also from South Africa and Israel. Different tribes shared their sacred dancees from Astec to Inuit. And gradually the heaviness was transcended; a different dimension was reached, as people enter a zone of shared humanity; in that zone there is silence, and the maori beautifully captured that in a ceremony of by dance collecting all suffering of humanity ; then they led the silent audience to the sacred fire..and danced that suffering into the purifying Fire. When everyone regrouped, a lightness had entered..and sharing of being human..rather than Suffering Beings. A great experience of transcendence and healing! Wow; and that is the mission as far as I understand of the World Peace and Prayer day, the mision of Chief Arvol Looking Horse. We all heal differently from our inate separation of the divine, in Silence we are one! In Ceremony we are One!
By: Swami Nityamuktananda Saraswati

Monday, June 20, 2011



Thursday, June 16, 2011


BY Swami Nitya

The gray, heavy clouds break,
Seemingly just for my sake.
The wintry sea is touched by light -
Instantly the dark sky becomes bright,

An ocean beyond what the eye can see
stormcrested waves, crowned as kings to be.
Each wave, with its own tuff of 'air'
Proudly displayed in the sun's glare.

Some waves, remain almost unseen
In the mass of those that have been;
Some role with heavy, long gaits
Powerful, yet patient for what awaits.

Some fiercely bob with great passion
Eager to play their part in the procession.
Some crash against the nearest rock,
Fiercely assertive in a deadly lock.

Some display translucent green color
Nature's pride or simply valor?
Some like a lovers embrace,
tenderly stroke a stark cliff-face

Some pour themselves, softly dissolving
On sands, ending all involving.
Each wave, simply ocean's expression;
Wave, ocean - simply water's concession.
Many forms - one sight;
Many lives - one light.


The Fire

By Swami Ntya 

Great souls see with different eyes
they see the Divine, when hearing our sighs
their vision of life, includes us all
their compassion saves from desperate fall

when such a soul calls us to meet
their voice is, what touches us deep
beyond conferences where people preach
and meetings where "knowers" teach.

They ignite the fire of man's jearning
the fire of knowledge that does no burning
fire feeding on ignorance, brings light,
opens eyes, brings new insight

This fire kindles all embracing love
touching man, nature; below and above
although it consumes - it never destroys
it only suppports, nurtures, brings joys

This fire heals all separation
makes equal, leads to great transformation
The fire these Beings ignite
lifts us ever up, soaring  to new height

A candle's flame taken into the sun bright
only remains as purest light

Lord of The Ocean

By Swami Nitya

Today my Lord you were wild!
Capriciously playing like a willful child!

East-wind - supreme fiddler of your palace,
plays such a powerful tune- without any malice.
The waves dance fiercely to the liveliest can-can,
Crushing eachother- unable to stop their run.
Raising up like wild horses, maines in tangles,
While the sun shines through all angles -
Of  the maidens bottle green ballgowns and their bangles.
Their white laced hoods are thrown in the air,
Millions of pearls descending quiet and fair-
From the stark blue sky, canvas of your celebration
Lending peace and stillness to your spectacular creation.
The beauty in your power, my Lord, begs adoration!
Let me remember this feast,
When I am gripped by sadness, fatigue or any such beast.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

We Are The Flowers of One Garden And a Garden Nourishes The Soul

We Are The Flowers of One Garden
And a Garden Nourishes The Soul

By Hawk Elder –Edna Gordon
March 2011

Peace Within Is Happiness
To reap the harvest of your own happiness
Reflects an inner light to touch the spirit of mankind

Inner emotions of the soul
It takes patience, attention and time to create beauty, character
And a sense of direction for the inner garden of the soul

Listen to Nature

Nature is within ourselves to make the right choices
To listen within is the greatest road map
To direct the energetic forces of the body, the mind and the soul


Prayer is sharing inner feelings to strengthen communication, to nourish and to walk in harmony with all creation
Prayer, gives an inner value and inner knowing
An expression of devotion

Rambling Haven of Peace

Listen to natures sheltering timber
And observe how a rustic landscape of a countryside displays a sanctuary of reflections
To preserve a secluded haven of peace


Lights the spirit within
Nature is a place to recapture the infinite spirit of the soul
A place where no one abandons dreams, but when inner thoughts unfold , the creator is within nature
Creation stirs within for inspiration

Peaceful thoughts

You will reach the highest mountain of your inner self
If, you keep your fountain of peaceful thoughts
Flowing like ripples of a stream

Glowing embers of the soul

Facing the obstacles of life or praising the wonders of creation
Inspiration lights the spirit within
Within the Within

Within the Silence of the Soul, there is Peace and Meditation for Eternal Compassion

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What Is God Siva's Pure Consciousness?

What Is God Siva's Pure Consciousness?

From  Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami's trilogy

Parashakti is pure consciousness, the substratum or primal substance flowing through all form. It is Siva's inscrutable presence, the ultimate ground and being of all that exists, without which nothing could endure. Aum.


Parashakti, "Supreme Energy," is called by many names: silence, love, being, power and all-knowingness. It is Satchidananda--existence-consciousness-bliss--that pristine force of being which is undifferentiated, totally aware of itself, without an object of its awareness. It radiates as divine light, energy and knowing. Out of Parasiva ever comes Parashakti, the first manifestation of mind, superconsciousness or infinite knowing. God Siva knows in infinite, all-abiding, loving superconsciousness. Siva knows from deep within all of His creations to their surface. His Being is within every animate and inanimate form. Should God Siva remove His all-pervasive Parashakti from any one or all of the three worlds, they would crumble, disintegrate and fade away. Siva's Shakti is the sustaining power and presence throughout the universe. This unbounded force has neither beginning nor end. Verily, it is the Divine Mind of Lord Siva. The Vedas say, "He is God, hidden in all beings, their inmost soul who is in all. He watches the works of creation, lives in all things, watches all things. He is pure consciousness, beyond the three conditions of nature." Aum Namah Sivaya.


               Wisdom from Grandma Edna Gordon - Seneca Elder

Edna smiles that radiant smile of hers. With her bare toetip she lightly taps a tiny bloom in the grass at her foot.
          "Is a flower essential to the Universe?" she asks, "Some folks'll tell you, 'Oh, no It's just a flower!  It lives and dies in a day or two.  What does Creation need that silly little flower for?' "
          "Well, I tell you, that little tiny flower…you see it there by my toe…that little white one, no bigger than an earring…  That flower is essential—that's right, I'm telling you, essential—to the whole wide Universe, same as you and me and everybody else.  We're ALL essential, each and every one of us! 
          "Why, without that tiny little flower there it'd be a different Universe, a different Creation, not this one we have.  D'you understand?  So THAT's a mighty power, don't you think?  One little flower can change the entire World!  Just like one person can!"


                          SEEING WITH VISIONARY EYES
                     by Grandma Edna Gordon - Seneca Elder

Take my hand, this weathered branch,
and walk with me along Life's Pathway
 in this, my land, my sacred land.
I'll not lead… nor you.
Creator shows the Way.
Side-by-side we'll walk, just we two.
Yes, you and me. You'll see. You'll see.
With visionary eyes you'll see.
So don't be shy, dear friend.
Take my hand and let us make our visit.
Even now the spirits come, Creator-sent.
As we, too, are Creator-sent,
if we but knew.
Look there! A Hawk!
She flies before our eyes,
 a red-tailed miracle.
She flies within us, too, you know.
Use your inner eyes
to see how she flies. 


by Grandma Edna Gordon
Seneca Elder

I am spellbound when my eyes
capture the height of a mountain.
I wonder, would my dreams reach so high?

If I could challenge the towering mountain
and look down into the valley below,
would I be satisfied with the green pastures?

When I follow a cool, winding brook,
I often ask, “Just where does it end?”
And I wonder, “How far in life could I go?”

I sit and listen to the lapping of the sea.
now peaceful, now angry,
like my heart within.

The universal soul is hurt

When one form of life, being more intelligent and evolved, starts destroying or hurting other forms of life, negativity increases and the universal consciousness gets adversely affected. This results in catastrophic natural disasters.

Throughout the history of mankind, savants, sages and prophets have conveyed us one important truth: It’s the God who created this universe and exists even in the tiniest fraction of it. He is the ultimate father and keeps an eye on our good or bad actions. He dwells in all forms of life to support and sustain them. Like a mature father, He ignores the minor squabbles between His kids, but decides to punish them when someone becomes unruly.

In ancient times when nature’s wrath was apparently visible, the rulers would question their own and their countrymen’s immoral conduct, which they believed was one of the main causes of natural calamities. Today, when human greed has surpassed all its previous limits and is making us take more than what’s needed, thus indulging in heedless destruction of other species, the nature’s fury gets reflected in disasters of catastrophic proportions, as has recently been seen in Japan.

We came to this world from the same source of energy which gave birth to all the insects, birds, animals and other forms of life. Someone up there wishfully expected that we would never forget this common parentage and love all forms of life. But we became selfish. Instead of expressing gratitude for all the possible help we received for survival, we started abusing other forms of life. Instead of love, we began treating them with cruelty. Instead of showing respect, we enslaved them.

Our sister souls had no choice but to mutely live in agony. In the process, the universal soul got badly hurt and retaliated angrily through earthquakes, typhoons and volcanoes.

Unfortunately, most of us don’t wish to see beyond petty gains. Our concerns never rise above the safety and welfare of our close family members. For us, co-existence and universal brotherhood are superficial words. No wonder, we conveniently ignore hungry stray animals, thirsty birds, barely-clad fellow citizens shivering along the roadside in freezing winter nights.

We know that every action has a reaction, but we seldom trust this imminent law. We reap what we sow. Most of us brutally hurt the nature for immediate personal gains, throwing caution to the wind. This attitude will definitely make us suffer, come what may.

Thousands of years ago, a wise 
Vedic rishi showed us the harmonious path of peaceful co-existence in Chapter 36 of Shukla Yajurveda Samhita: “May there be tranquility and peace on the horizon of our universe, in the space around us, on this planet Earth where we live, in all the sources of the healing and nourishing water which sustains us. May all the herbs, flora and fauna, the vegetation, plants and trees co-exist in peaceful harmony. May all the creations and their creators have a peaceful purpose. May all the elements of nature help us sustain in a total peaceful harmony.”

May the universal soul rest in harmony.

Dr. Dinesh Sharma

Saturday, March 26, 2011

One From Two

by Diane Buccheri, Publisher, OCEAN Magazine March 2011

Still. Calm.
Is there any life?
The sea, the sky's mirror
bled its life into the air,
giving its life to the airy living.

I am Water

by Jacqueline Haessly  Global Spirituality Seminar -The Nature Place, Colorado
June 13, 1992

I am water.
I come forth as a trickle from the headwaters of the earth,
bubbling, springing forth, clear, crystal, life-giving.

From New Zealand

 A letter written to WPPD leadership from our dear brother Isaac in New Zealand (3/2/2011):
"You probably haven't heard but New Zealand suffered a terrible earthquake one week ago - many people have died and many more devastated by the earthquake which happened in one city called Christchurch.  I live in the capital Wellington, and Creator be thanked that we were not affected...


Grandmother Mona Polacca
Hopi -Tewa/ HavasupaiSee 
Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island

There was once a time as indigenous people when we didn't have any maps or road signs, yet we were able to make our way. We were able to journey," Grandmother Mona explained. "We had the sacred fire so that when there was a moment when we felt we lost our sense of direction, when we were lost and disoriented, not knowing which direction to go, we would sit down before this Grandpa Fire. In poor health physically, mentally, spiritually, we would sit down before Grandpa Fire and say our prayers. In that way we would be shown the direction we needed to go, the things we needed to do. We would be given the signs through Grandfather Fire. Our hearts would be filled with warmth love, and compassion. That's the way this Grandfather Fire is. Always respect it, always look to it, let it be there to help you."

Fire and Water

By Swami Nityamuktananda, 2011

When the wisdom teachers from across the globe talk Fire and Water, they do not mean just the flame of the campfire or the water that runs out of your tap; although they talk about that too.
Fire and water, just like earth, air and space (ether) are energies.  We know from mystics from around the globe, just as much as from most modern science, that the entire universe, in all its diversity and forms, from a galaxy to the features of earth, to our own body and mind- all are ultimately energy. 

The Importance of Silence

By Swami Nityamuktananda, 2011

The more complex our life becomes, the more noisy it becomes. We call it progress, but is it?

Most living environments are more noisy now than ever, with TV, Video Games, Radio, Traffic noise etc. and worth we plug our ears to hear even clearer… the noise, the waves, the vibrations that batter our brains through personal stereos, i-pods and so on. There is noise everywhere, even close to our eardrums! 

Research shows that more and more young people suffer from loss of hearing because from a young age they are exposed to loud noise. Noise is vibration is constant attack on our ears; and moreover every noise is a “bite” of information that has to be digested by our brain. Research has shown that the average person today needs one more hour of sleep  for the brain to digest all the stuff we put into it.

Visions of Peace: Within the Within

By Seneca Hawk Elder, Edna Gordon

Life is like a Garden to nourish, to blossom and to reap the fruits of life

Listen to the inner voice, the eternal mystery within for self awareness and self esteem

Peace, the illumination within for inner security is a basic need to grow and to nourish within

Seven Steps Toward Golden Silence

How to quell the mind's clack and clatter and enjoy the natural divine peace of your soul
By Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Silence is very important. It is food for the soul. If we can make our mind absolutely silent, our body absolutely silent and our emotions absolutely silent, just for a few minutes, we can quiet down. We then begin to draw divine energies from the central core of the universe itself. The noise of the mind, the noise of the emotions and the noise of the physical body often block these divine energies. Or, as they are "oozing out" from the central core of the universe, they get quickly used up in all the commotion we cause in ourselves and in others. Therefore, we have the practice of mauna, silence--just sitting and being quiet.

Thoughts on Sience

By Prema Pandurang

Speech needs company,
Silence needs solitude.
Speech wants to conquer others,
Silence helps conquer oneself.